4 April 2011

When Life You Live is In Vain


And welcome back to those who had read my previous nonsense posts. Geez, don't you have any better things to do?

Anyway, there was only around 25 people who had read my blog, with each of them leading a different life. There are countless possibilities of life one can lead. There are people who works as a director of a great company, a doctor in a certain hospital, a student form either primary or secondary school, or even from university, a carpenter, a beggar and many more. Those people might already have families, have their own son or daughter, while others are still searching for a suitable partner. Then one question came to mind.

Do we have a happy life?

It might be true that the definition of 'happy' varies from person to person. Some might think that having a lot of money is happiness is all about. For others, being with many friends and families is the true happiness. For a few of us, happiness is about devoting ourselves to God. Whatever the case, I am sure that the answers of that question will consist of some 'yes's and some 'no's. But let's think deeply and carefully about it.

For me, my life is in vain. I used to live a simple life with my family, having a discipline father, a kind mother, and two spoiled little brother. I was not having a wealthy life, and there were only a few friends that I knew of, all from my school. I also have a religion, but I am not fanatic about it. My life seemed to be a good one for me, but I was told that there were many better life out there than the life I lived back then.

The I tried a new life, away from my family and friends. I managed to get a scholarship (I did not expect you to believe) and I lived with new friends in the boarding school. I studied hard for a better future, but it seemed that more and more problems are in my way. I am thinking of my life as only a pursuit of excellence. Sometimes I just wished that I could disappear from this world, forgotten by everyone, so that I am free from any responsibilities. I think most of our life is like that. It is just about a problem that is needed to be solved in order to reach a better life, only to find that another problem is waiting. And after we have reached the better life, there are another better life to achieve. Yet another set of problem.

We need to go through several steps in life. Entering schools, facing examinations, having friends, experiencing good and bad feelings, dealing with deaths, playing games, getting married, having a good and well-paid job, building a good family, seeing our child grow, and growing old. In the end, you will be alone, remembering the time you had when you were young, while waiting for the grim reaper to take your soul. Sometimes a good family member or friend of yours pay a visit, but most of the time the don't. And when your life was about to end, what will you get in the very end?

A few of people in the world have another life that is, miserable. They did not have jobs, and are left alone, some are homeless. A few ran to drugs and sex, making them even more miserable. I did not blame them - they might have a bitter past that led them to that kind of life. They might have H*tler-like parents that only thinks about the name of the family, pride, and all that nonsense. It must be hard for them to live their life, and some may consider suicide.

So, which life do you lead? Is it a happy or a sad life? Do you enjoy living in this world?

Well, you have read another nonsense!

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