28 March 2011


I was holding a test tube containing the only cure for them, the ones with sorrow past and no future. This very liquid of mine will pull them out of their fate and give them another brighter future, especially my wife. My wife was the only reason for me to do research for almost 10 years while surviving the assault of the lost and the sorrowful ones. Now that I found the cure for them, I could search for my wife among them and brought her back to life.

Oh, yeah, I have not introduced myself. I am Sheraph Mc'Digorl, one of the survivors - well, there were not much survivor that day. Form my family, I was the only survivor, while others had fallen to the pit of darkness. I lived a life, though it was vile and almost in vain, in the world that has ended, distinguishing the survivors and the lost ones. What I meant by the lost and the sorrowful one, or those with sorrow past and no future while they had fallen into the pit of darkness was the undead, the innocent people who had died unnaturally and were brought to live by the naivety of human - and their thirst of science.

"Sheraph, you did it!" A fairly beautiful girl jumped in joy and hugged me. That was Jeffany, another survivor from this town. Unfortunately, only two towns had survivors, while all other cities had turned into the cities of the dead. Being one of the five survivor, I could not just sit and wait for me to become the sorrowful ones. And that was why Jeffany and I worked hard to found the cure - to guide the sorrowful ones back to their natural life. 

I was thinking of my family back then. My family was a small one, with only me, my wife, and my son. However, my son had a weak body that he catch a cold everyday, and he could not go to school. It was not a problem for me - I loved my son and my wife that I would sacrifice everything for them. Although my son could not go to school, he was a smart one, and often helped me in my research if I went blank. When the assault occurs, I lost my wife and my son. The assault was the day when the first sorrowful one was created, and it began to drag everyone to the pit of darkness - starting with her creator. The first sorrowful one was called the queen of sorrow, the most powerful among the sorrowful ones. I did not think my cure could bring her back, but at least I could cure many others. Remembering the past, I heard the sorrowful ones ramming the door. 

They had found us.

"They are here! Run through the secret passage!" I screamed at Jeffany, and without a doubt she ran away. I activated the laser system - at least it could slow them down. Then I took the cure and my files when I realize that they had made their way into this hideout. Before me was the queen of sorrow herself - cruel and vile as always. It was unexpected that the queen herself - being full of hatred after being brought back to life in the vilest way - would hunt for me with her very own power. There was a rumor that her objective was to turn everyone into the sorrowful one, since she hold grudge against every living thing after being unnaturally resurrected. 

I ran as fast as I could, while the laser slowed the sorrowful ones, and met Jeffany at the entrance of the secret passage. There was another secret passage in case one of them was blocked. I gave her the cure and told her to escape through the other passage, but then I felt a sharp claw had gone through my spine. It struck right through my heart that I could not even say a word. I could hear Jeffany screaming as I fell onto the floor, waiting for the death to rescue me. It did not came.

After the queen herself affected me with that curse, I was then one of the sorrowful ones - the transformation was so fast that I felt another pain before having claws and being one of them. When I woke up, I could still see Jeffany far away. The queen and the rest of the sorrowful one did not know where she had gone, but I knew. I was then the sorrowful one, being unable to control myself. I could not save my family, even I could not save myself. It was unfair to me that Jeffany did not feel this curse. Filled with hatred and the will to revenge, I chased after Jeffany.

I found her trying to find the key to get out through the secret passage. Yes, I became this vile creature because of her, and I could not stand the fact that she had not become one of us yet. I could not let her escape - I did not see any reason why she should survive while I had fallen into the pit of darkness. My head was filled with hatred of the livings - they must not survive while I had become this. Starting with Jeffany, and the others survivor. If they had all became the sorrowful one, then I would be pleased, and so would be the queen.

"No! Sheraph, please, no!" Jeffany screamed in terror as I took another step towards her, with claws ready to kill. If I could speak, I would rather say that she did not deserve to live while I had become the sorrowful one.  However, I hesitated when I found that she hold the very cure of this curse. The memories of my family came back to me, as well as the times Jeffany and I had gone through fighting to survive. I might use the cure for myself, but that was not very useful as I realized that the whole horde of the sorrowful ones, as well as the queen, had stood behind me, waiting for me to kill my own company. It was no use.

I knew that this tunnel was not big enough, so if I could stand in their way, I would be able to buy her some time. It was no use for me to be brought back to the natural life then, but one day I would be pleased if she did so. With my eyes, I told her which key was the one, and after he get it, I turned back and attacked the queen. It was a surprise to every sorrowful ones as there was no betrayal before. The queen hissed in disgust, and he dashed to me. However, I heard that the door was locked. I was glad I could save her, and I knew she would make it to meet the other survivor and save the world. All my concern was about my life, and the last second of my presence (since my life had ended a few minutes ago) was the most grateful one for me. I dashed towards the queen, putting myself at risk in order to end the story of the sorrowful ones.

I found myself and the queen of sorrow killing each other.

Have fun reading nonsense? Now you could head back to your own life.

24 March 2011

What The Heck is Kygrykhon?

You found yourself without anything to do, yet you have a computer with an unlimited internet access (which is why you need to pay more - but does that matter?), then you roll over some nonsense blogs and you found this blog - another nonsense and useless blog of a miserable teenager. And this miserable teenager, unable to understand what blog is yet writing and posting in his own blog, prefered to be called Kygrykhon. But one question come to mind...

What the heck is Kygrykhon?

Never heard before. It is just another name, which is randomly picked among tons of other possibilities of letter combination. Well, it's not truly random, by the way, since this post will tell you how that miserable person pick this strange name.

He randomly typed letters and comes : kjgrkjhn
he modified it a bit, since he don't like j in his name : kgrkhn
Still not a name? He add 'Y's : Kygrykhyn
The last 'Y' isn't cool to him, so he replaced it with 'o' : Kygrykhon

Most of you will close your browser and decide to start another activity instead of reading this nonsense post. A small amount of you will recognize the name creation, if you have read my fanfiction before. Anyway, he write some other nonsense in his fanfiction, and if you are, instead of being fed up, interested in reading such nonsense, here's the link:


Well, if you do not click the above link, and you have not decide what to do, then you must be reading this. Your life must be empty enough that you have such a long time to spend reading nonsense. If that so, then you are lucky enough, because most people are having trouble managing their time, with all the demanding work and short-lasting chance of doing something useful. 

Now, imagine if you have a condition where you are a president of a successful corporation. You will be paid, say, $80000 per day (of course this is fictional, but what's a life without a dream?). You must have been very rich by now, but you will not be able to read this. Why? Because you do not have the initial source of every man - time. You know that time waits for no man, so you need to chase after the time itself. You have a contract with another corporation, a project of increasing profit, and a press conference, and not just from one source. So, to be paid $80000 per day, you are about to spend 95% time for your job, leaving 5% time to rest. Then where's your time to be with your family and friends? You have $80000 everyday, but if you do not have time to spend it, and another person to share the wealth with, what for?

Kygrykhon is sure that you are not one of these person since you are able to read up to this, and he is sure that only a few of you is able to do so. Why? Because you do not have time. Not that you do not have time, but you have decided not to spend your time reading yet another nonsense in the world of blogging. You must be a good time manager, so it was a waste to say that we need to manage our time well, not just for our profession, but our time with family and friends as well. And if possible, time to read nonsense.

Congrats! You have survived the nonsense post of Kygrykhon. But it was not much of an appreciation, so you can click on the 'back' button now. By the way, Kygrykhon is thankful that you are able to read this. Bye!